Please note that neither James Cronin nor the Flirble Organization
provide any domain registration services to the general public and
that the information below, which is provided in order to comply
with Nominet's rules, should therefore not be used by anyone who
is not already known to us.

Postal address: 12 Duke's Road, London WC1H 9AD

Telephone number: 03333 901006

Contact email address: staff at the domain name of this website

Customer Service commitments detailing expected response times and how long it usually takes to resolve issues: we endeavour to respond within 5 working days.

Email contact point for abuse complaints: staff at the domain name of this website

Complaints and escalation process: staff at the domain name of this website

Information (Key terms) to be published in your T&C's/website
T&Cs for registrants including Nominets domain name registration T&Cs:

Ensure your customers are aware of:
Charges for registration, renewal, and maintenance: No charges

Any ongoing charges: No charges

Your policy on renewal and expiry of domain names: Domain names are renewed on request
What charges, if any, you make where Your Customer is transferring their domain names to a new Registrar, or is otherwise terminating their contract with you: No charges